The Drive to Overdo and Burnout

So last week, whilst hectic was productive and I managed consistent training over the week. That I think is down to being fired up for the year and having a looming fitness deadline - the crossfit competition. It's amazing how that can really focus the mind. There were two occasions where I was toying with skipping the training only to think about that competition coming up. It got me to the gym and I feel better for it. I wonder what will happen after that competition?

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Time moves on...

As I write the chronicles this week I am acutely aware that I now have just under 5 weeks to the Northern Championships CrossFit finals - Yikes! I've enjoyed Christmas and New Year, with some training (not a lot) and more eating and drinking. We also seemed to have shared round a few bugs and sore throats in the family too. Suffice to say, I don't feel like I've made the best use of the last few weeks in preparing for the finals. Still, 5 weeks is a good chunk. Isn't it?

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A surprising and scary result

Well, it seems that Mark and I have only gone and qualified through to the finals of the Northern Championship CrossFit competition in our category (scaled male). I'm a bit (read 'a lot') stunned actually, and now realise that what started out as a challenging but fun experience is now a very 'out of my comfort zone' public experience.

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The Power of an Out of Reach Challenge

If you are following me on Instagram or connected on Facebook, you will have seen my posts relating to the qualifying rounds of the Northern Championships - a regional CrossFit competition. Over the last few weeks, with Mark Telford (whom you may remember from previous podcast episodes), we have completed three 'Workout's' (Or WOD's), in a bid to get through to the Rainton Arena finals in 2023.

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What Gives? Making Space for Healthy Habits

This week has felt hectic and chaotic. I've started to get my mojo back and feel more engaged with getting things done including ensuring I sweat the health, diet and fitness sprouts. That's a win. Not perfect, but better than the last few weeks.

I have found, however, that the days feel more hectic than they have been, more chaotic in some respects.

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The Weight Loss Ups and Downs

It's been a funny week this week. Not haha funny, but strange. Feelings of low mood and questioning my progress and decisions outlined in last week's chronicles (get back to some basics in terms of the morning routine, curbing the drinking again and following the snacking rule).

It's funny how the resolve we can have when we make decisions and plans can evaporate rapidly in the face of self-doubt. This is not uncommon for me and others and navigating this is vital to get going and keep going.

I do, however, find the feelings of motivation and even excitement at dreaming about the goal achieved, making a plan and resolving to crack on is a very seductive place to be.

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Making Small Changes to the Weight Loss Routines

It's ironic, that after a catch-up with Graeme in which he mentioned the visual of 'Kerplunk' (check out the FAQ How can small habits actually help sustain my weight management?) I started to see how this is playing out in my own efforts to build my health foundations. Over the last two 'chronicles', i have have explained how my efforts at batching food, prepping soup in advance and so on have represented my own efforts to add sticks to the Kerplunk game.

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Op-Demoob is on a roll - weight loss focus continues

Operation de-moob’ continues. As I considered my plan I looked for the areas I could tweak. Rather than being all or nothing, the sprout-sweater approach is to focus on one area or aspect at a time. One such area is mid-afternoon when working from home. Typically, that’s the time when energy and focus drop and the need for something to pick at beckons.

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My Weight Loss Journey - 'Operation De-Moob' continues

I've been thinking about these chronicles (my weekly e-newsletter - sign-up here) and it occurred to me that I'm not doing much 'chronicle-ing.’ So, i thought I'd share some of my own weight loss/ health journey and efforts/ set-backs here in a bid to offer some insight into the reality of this process and maybe you might pick up a tip or two in the process.

‘Operation De-Moob’ - Weight-Loss efforts

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