Job Crafting, Ultra-Running, and the Power of Chunking - Rob Baker

Episode 83 features a more detailed perspective on the above, along with an interview with Rob Baker. Rob has a background in positive psychology and uses this to inform his work with organisations, teams, leaders and people to help them engage more effectively with work and enjoy it more. In the podcast we explore his approach to job crafting and how that can help individuals get more from their work and we explore Rob's ultra-running. I ask him about his participation in the Dragon Back Race which was subject to an Amazon Prime documentary.

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Changing Lifetime Behaviours Habit by Habit - Interview with Jen Wilson

In this week's episode, Dave shares a visual to illustrate the power of small daily rituals and habits in supporting our health - Health kerplunk. Dave is also joined by Jen Wilson, an advanced PT with years of experience supporting behaviour change in smoking cessation, weight management and now regaining health and fitness through physical exercise and nutrition change. in the Interview Jen shares tips and ideas on how to achieve sustainable change and explains beautifully why resistance training should be part of the health mix for all midlifers, especially women.

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The Fallacy of More... Interview with David Wilkinson

Episode 80 sees the return of coach David Wilkinson, who specialises in working with family men looking to improve in aspects of their life, shares some great thoughts on some of the challenges faced and how to overcome them. In addition Dave shares some insights into the anatomy of a habit - how understanding the make up of a habit can help us develop ore powerful positive habits that can help us achieve sustainable weight loss and control.

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Going on the Weight Loss Journey - Interview with Mal Clarke

Dave is joined by Mal Clarke, a friend with his own midlife journey including time spent in politics, poker and pool. Mal has faced the challenge of losing weight, regaining it and is now embarking on his goal to shift the weight once and for all. Join us as we explore how Mal is shaping his efforts based on lessons learned, self-awareness and his own desire to re-shape his mid-life for the better. Dave also shares a thought on the importance of 're-grouping' when your health and weight management efforts go off track.

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Getting Clear About the Goal and What Matters - interview with Dr Elaine Cox

In this episode Dave poses a challenge - as well as identifying the things you don't like or want and working to do less of them, what about the ok stuff? The things that you like doing or experiencing but don't love? Do they crowd out your REAL goals - the things you REALLY REALLY want to achieve? If so, what about removing some of the 'likes' too?

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Developing Emotional Fearlessness - Understanding E.I. - an interview with Gary Hosey

In this episode, Dave shares a thought or two on becoming more comfortable with your emotions and developing a sense of emotional fearlessness. Dave is also joined by Gary Hosey, an Emotional Intelligence coach and expert with years of experience helping individuals, teams and leaders develop their understanding and skills in this area.

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Midlife Finances - Making Decisions During The Cost of Living Crisis an interview with Pete Matthew

In this timely episode, Dave is once again joined by Pete Matthew, all-round top bloke, Meaningful Money podcast host and CEO Jackson Wealth. Given the so-called 'cost of living crisis and talk of a recession, how should we go about making sound decisions when it comes to life and finances? Do we wait, panic, go all in?

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Getting Pro-active With Life

This week is the final week in my series re-sharing earlier Sprout Sweater episodes. This week it's episode 17 and we explore the importance of being more pro-active and taking control of our lives rather than it controlling us. I am taking a few weeks out to work on the ReShape Academy and fresh episodes will return on the 27th of July. In the meantime, for the benefit of new listeners and old, I have cherry-picked some episodes that particularly compliment my focus on habits, goals and midlife health.

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Habit Formation the Sprout-Sized Approach

This week I re-share an early episode from the podcast when names the Sprout Sweater. Episode 11. In this episode, I revisit the reason why working on small habits and sweating those sprout-sized over time is the best way to ensure success in habit change. I am taking a few weeks out to work on the ReShape Academy and fresh episodes will return on the 27th of July. In the meantime, for the benefit of new listeners and old, I have cherry-picked some episodes that particularly compliment my focus on habits, goals and midlife health.

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