Re-learn Relaxation

Check out the relaxation resources below:

It is so easy to sacrifice that all important 'me time' in favour of getting more things done.  The trouble is that can become a habit, so that when we actually do try to unwind, we can find it a struggle and often have to deal with feelings of guilt and anxiety.

Give yourself 'permission to be human' and recognise that you need to recharge those batteries in order to be a sustainable version of yourself. Use these resources to start the process of re-learning how to relax...

Guided Audio 'Emergency Time-outs'

Use the following when you feel you need to take a breather at those high stress times:

Watch this video for a demonstration of the 'Rescue Breath' - and yes it is an old video - I have hair!!

Some additional Relaxation related resources to support you...


Check out these videos form my 'Weekly Radish' collection:

And these from my 'Daily Sprout' collection: