Further reading/ watching - for managers

Check out my video series for managers on managing performance and stress:


Here are some recommended reads relating to the 'Developing Resilient Leaders & Teams' workshops. 

I have linked each book to Amazon to enable you to purchase a copy if you wish;

The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey (great for delegation and time effectiveness)

The One Minute Manager (precedes the above and a good intro to the One minute manager series)

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (great read for exploring team effectiveness)

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (useful in exploring how to motivate our people)

Resilience: Bounce Back From Whatever Life Throws At You (useful research based grounding in resilience and what elements we can develop in ourselves and our people)

The science of occupational health: Stress, Psychobiology and the new world of work (Good research based grounding providing an understanding of work related stress and the impact upon our health).